Lately, however, these two women have irritated the PISS out of me. Sarah Palin (who has been a frequent target of mine on this blog) and Michelle Bachman are an amazing accumulation of idiocy, ignorance and malevolent bigotry, stupidity and just plain out venom. Now before you start with your bullshit, it has absofreakinglutely nothing to do with them being women...they just happen to be is incidental not reflective of the fairer sex in anyway. I have no problem with a woman as President of the United States and judge them based on the same basis I would use on a man...have some freaken common sense.
So as a not so funny joke let us consider the idea that Sean Hannity (the Czar of Stupidity) proposed of a Palin-Bachman ticket in 2012...

Presidential Candidate...Sarah Palin
First, let's consider the Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin. I really will not waste much more time with this douchebag. I have spoken enough of her idiocy on this blog that to give her more time almost seems like a crime to an intelligent person's patience and intellect. Here is a brief montage of some of Palin's finer moments during her campaign to invade the White House.
During that campaign she did her best to spread her bigotry and venom, often referring to the "real americans" as only those that would vote for her and Senator McCain. Her idea of experience was being Governor of Alaska, a job she couldn't even complete. She is an opponent of separation of church and state and promotes a theocracy that would make Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei very proud, as well as the Taliban of Afghanistan. But enough about that...let's look at the VP candidate of this duo...
Vice Predient Candidate...Michelle Bachmann
Bachmann recently grabbed my attnetion for her inmense propensity for saying really stupid things. There is also the fact that she, along with Palin, are the darlings of the Tea Party movement, and has been one of the promoters of the "hate the government" attitude that is permeating the country right now. As Mandy told me the other night, Bachmann almost makes Palin look smart! Here are a couple of expamples of this woman's massive intelligence (or lack thereof)...
"Anniversary" means "celebrate"...
Nobody is "celebrating" the OK city bombing you bimbo! And to add "only the democrats would say something like this"? WoW! Only a Rethuglican would be so desperate!
Congress should be investigated for Anti-Americans...
And as we learned from her future running mate during the 2008 campaign the real Americans vote Republican.
The Census used to "round up" Americans and put them in camps?
The list goes on and on...of this woman's complete and total lack of a grasp on reality.
Oh...and just incase that isn't enough...let us consider for the Cabinet Position of the Department of Health and Human Services, Republican Senator Candidate Sue Lowden who is wanting to replace Senator Harry Reid with her revolutionary health reform plan...
Of course, Jay Leno has a great question...
And what is scary? That they have so many people that shout them on, that support them and actually think they have great ideas. I will not be so foolish as to say that every hair brained scheme coming out of D.C. is a great idea..but this the best they can offer? I can only hope Hannity is we can witness one of the greatest political meltdowns in American history as these two bimbos compete to see who can show their ignorance more.
"This IS a gangster government, there's no two ways about it"
It amazes me how whiney she is when you look at it.
Democracy is always inconvenient for Republicans.
Real patriotism is lost on this loser.
It certainly would be a dream ticket, as long as that dream is pure idiocy. They might win the GOP ticket (although even that is hard to imagine), but I don't think they'd stand a chance in a general election. What I find most baffling is how Bachmann hasn't been tossed out of office yet.
Aha, so too it seemed to me.
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