Shall we start talking about "Radical Leaders prey on the fearful & naive"? I am too angry to even begin on this one...
"W" ring a bell? You don't even WANT me to get started on King George. Now THERE was a radical leader that was a MASTER at preying on the fears and naiveté of the American people.
How about the leaders, from BOTH parties, that sold our rights down the drain (Patriot Act ring a bell?) for the illusion of security?
How about the Republicans feeding the xenophobia, racism and white supremacy as they do their best to set this country back 50 years in civil rights race baiting and setting Americans against Americans, feeding on their fears and naiveté? Or how they took the balanced budget of the Clinton years and turned it into an unbelievable debt that they are trying to pass off on Obama while their brain child, the Teabaggers, turns on them and bites the hand that created them.
Do we REALLY want to talk about radical leaders preying on the fear and naiveté of the people they want to rule?
To compare Obama to Hitler, a man that murdered millions of Jews or Lenin that instituted one of the cruelest regimes of modern history while ignoring and defending Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona that wants to turn it into the "Show me your papers" state which just happened to be step number one of the Holocaust is grossly irresponsible and hypocritical. But then irresponsibility and hypocrisy are the calling cards of the Tea Party anyway...along with hate, racism and ignorance.
I don't even know how to end this so I am going to just stop here and continue muttering the rest of the day....
While I agree that the billboard is beyond offensive, and I'm not a tea-partier,it is important to remember that every large group has its lunatic fringe. I would hope that all South Carolinians are not viewed through the lens of the obnoxious views and antics of some of our citizens!BTW, the billboard is coming down.
Mom-I agree that every group has its fringe, but in this case I would argue that the Tea Party IS the fringe of the Republican Party (as do most political analysts, particularly the liberal leaning ones). While I usually avoid generalizing groups, the Tea Party as a whole tends to be a fractured group of nutjobs most of which will vote Republican come November and come 2012 which is why most of us group them as the far right fringe of the GOP.
As for the sign coming down, I am glad that it is...and am glad to see enough outrage was expressed over it to force them to back down on it.
I just finished reading "Night" by Elie Wiesel and am currently reading "The Diary of Anne Frank." The first thought I had upon reading just the first page or two of "Night" is how wrong it is for us to compare any of our political leaders, especially Obama, to Hitler. In the very beginning of that book it talks about how he saw SS officers using Jewish babies for target practice by throwing them up in the air and shooting them. That is what the Holocaust was. It was beyond sick and twisted. Hitler was the mastermind of that. That is the kind of person he was. People really need to educate themselves before using such a comparison. (And really I even apply this to myself b/c I'm sure at some point during W's term I uttered the words "just like Hitler" too.)If they are out there trying to convince people that Obama is like Hitler than they are making light of an unbelievable serious and dark time in our World's history.
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