Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Reboot to Musings of a Madman...

Well it has been a while since I have blogged.  A combination of life getting really, really busy, a bad case of writer's block tossed in with a little bit of discouragement because I wanted to reach more people resulted in my letting this old blog just slip away.  I find myself, however, feeling the need to blog again, share my thoughts and feelings on things happening in our country and cover topics that are less than popular and there are few things that make me feel that need to blog more than an election cycle!  I will probably only post once or twice a week but mostly as the mood hits me or a subject catches my attention. I am also a full time husband, father and student so there will be times I just won't have the time to post.

The direction of this blog will be to discuss topics that are related to politics and religion.  It is only fair to make it clear that I am an atheist and I am a liberal so there will, undoubtedly, be that influence on any topic I discuss.  I welcome any topics to discuss and welcome anybody that reads the blog to email me a topic to discuss and to comment on any subject.

My emphasis will be on topics related to atheism as I feel that atheists are one of the most misunderstood groups in our nation today.  Atheists have been blamed by the religious right as being the cause or the root of all the evils in this country.  We get a bad rap mostly because we refuse to fit the mold that religious people want us to fit into.  You may not agree with us but maybe you can gain a little perspective of the world as we see it if nothing else you can get an opportunity to try to change my mind.

I encourage respectful discussion.  Not everybody will agree, it would be a boring world if we did.  The key word is respectful.  The topics of religion and politics are two of the most volatile that can be discussed so it is important to make it clear that we must remain respectful.  I do not screen comments, nor do I remove comments that are made with respect.  Crude, disrespectful or overly insulting comments will be removed.  Also, I do not promise to rise to the bait every time a discussion is started so if I choose to not engage in discussion we will just have to agree to disagree.

If there is a topic you would like discussed, or a question that you would like to ask you can email me at:

Thank You,
Musing Madman



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