Anyway. It appears that a woman cannot be justice because she would be too conscious of the rights of women. A minority cannot be a justice because a minority would be too conscious of the rights of minorities. A gay person cannot be a justice because they would be too conscious of the rights of the gay and lesbian community. At this rate only a white male can be completely qualified for the position of Supreme Court Justice.
I kept researching, trying to find somebody the GOP would readily confirm without a fight so as to pass this information on to the know...trying to help him out and all...after much research I finally found him! all actuality BOTH qualify...a White Male that is large and in charge...or a bombshell blonde that knows her place...

OMG..."a bombshell blonde that knows her place"?? Really, honey? Really??
Oh, you are so lucky I know you...
Bwahahaha...very funny.
Hey! I didn't say it is how I think or feel...I said this is the kind of candidate needed for the GOP to confirm without a fight! lol
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